Terry Griffin

Farm Management, Cropping Systems, Precision Agriculture

Associate Professor 
Kansas State University

Terry Griffin’s research and extension programs focus on cropping systems economics in general, and specifically precision agricultural technologies and big data. Precision ag data in a community has evolved Terry’s program to include ‘big data’ specifically the automation of economic decision making tools. Current projects include farm management decision making under weather uncertainty, profitable automated variable rate irrigation applications, valuation of precision agriculture data, and farmland values.

331-C Waters Hall
Manhattan , KS  66506-4011
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Documents & Presentations by Terry Griffin
Title Date Downloads
Why Successful Farms Succeed

K-State agricultural economists Terry Griffin and Gregg Ibendahl talk about their economic analysis which is identifying the most profitable farms in Kansas and the reasons why they excel financially. They are using Kansas Farm Management Association data for this and will be posting a series of weekly reports on their findings this spring.

February 27, 2019
Interview With Terry Griffin-United Soybean Board

In this episode of the Tech Toolshed podcast, listen as Terry Griffin, professor of agribusiness at Kansas State University, discusses the future of ag tech and farm data from Farm Journal’s Ag Tech Expo. Connect with Terry on Twitter @spaceplowboy.

February 27, 2019
The Cost of Taking a Day Off

Brian Coffey and Terry Griffin talk about their new economic analysis of how taking part or all of a day off from farming activities for religious purposes affects farm income...their work shows that there is a cost to observing the Sabbath, although that has to be weighed against the faith and spiritual value of doing so.

Link to article

December 13, 2018
Making the Move to Organic Production

K-State precision agriculture economist Terry Griffin and graduate researcher Emily Carls talk about the economics of transitioning from conventional crop production to organic production as a means of diversifying farm income. They studied the likelihood of economically succeeding with such a conversion over several years' time and the factors that would influence that.

December 11, 2018
Forecasting Fieldwork Days

K-State agricultural economist Terry Griffin and student researcher Sara Gammon talk about an online resource they manage:  it maintains a running projection of days suitable for fieldwork in Kansas, based on weekly USDA data. They explain how producers can use this information to their advantage.

September 14, 2018
5. Factors Affecting Net Farm Income August 1, 2018
Agriculture Technology Podcast: Big Data With Terry Griffin June 21, 2018
Precision Ag Survey

K-State agricultural economist Beth Yeager and Terry Griffin discuss their latest analysis of the adoption of precision agricultural technologies by Kansas farmers...they've surveyed members of the Kansas Farm Management Association about the kinds of technologies they've been utilizing, as well as the technology upgrades they tend to favor.

June 19, 2018
Precision Ag "Down Under"

K-State precision agricultural engineer Terry Griffin reflects on his recent assignment in Australia, where he met with leading agricultural producers in the state of Victoria and learned about their adoption of precision agriculture technology and their approaches to data management. He tells of things he picked up that would potentially interest producers here in Kansas.

March 22, 2018
Role of Utility Sized Tractors in Commercial Agricultural Operations February 12, 2018