G.A. "Art" Barnaby, Jr.

Emeritus: Crop Insurance, Policy

Emeritus Professor
Kansas State University

Art Barnaby, Emeritus Professor, is now retired. 

Manhattan , KS
Curriculum Vitae
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Documents & Presentations by G.A. "Art" Barnaby, Jr.
Title Date Downloads
KSU Releases 2020/2021 ARC-County Projections based on RMA Yields July 1, 2021
Selecting ARC vs PLC

Presented at AgQuest Virtual crop Insurance Meeting

February 25, 2021
Splitting Crop Insurance Payments by Yield and Price Loss October 21, 2020
USDA Farm Program Choices Revisited

K-State agricultural economists Robin Reid and Art Barnaby are back with more information for grain producers to consider as they finalize their USDA farm program choice for 2019 and 2020 crop production...this time, they talk about the just-released market year average price information and how it impacts the attractiveness of either the A-R-C or P-L-C program option.

March 6, 2020
Farm Program Payment Options

K-State agricultural economists Robin Reid and Art Barnaby go over several important considerations on making the USDA farm program payment decision for 2019 and 2020 crop production...whether to go with Agricultural Risk Coverage or Price Loss Coverage option for individual crops; here, they'll walk through the expected general outcomes of those decisions. Reid stresses that producers who have not yet made an appointment with their local FSA office should do so now.

February 26, 2020
Risk Management in the 2018 Farm Bill and Art Barnaby Looks Back

K-State agricultural economist Art Barnaby reports on K-State's preliminary evaluation of the price-support and risk-management features of the new farm bill:  he looks at making the choice between the ARC and PLC program options, and talks about subtle changes to the crop insurance program. There is also discussion with Art, who reflects on what he considers the most significant developments in federal farm "safety net" provisions and crop insurance over his 39-year career at K-State, as he is retiring at the end of this month.

January 15, 2019
Pasture, Rangeland and Forage Insurance Program and Whole Farm Revenue Protection

K-State agricultural economist Monte Vandeveer talks about how the Pasture, Rangeland and Forage Insurance Program works, with the enrollment deadline for the 2019 growing season coming up soon. He explains how pasture and forage losses are calculated, based on grid rainfall data, and points to an on-line Risk Management Agency tool that helps a producer calculate the potential coverage payout. Also, K-State Research and Extension risk management specialist Art Barnaby discusses the Whole Farm Revenue Protection program, which just might help row crop producers confronted with difficulties at harvest time.

October 31, 2018
Crop Insurance Program

K-State risk management specialist Art Barnaby looks at the past, present and future of the crop insurance program, and he addresses the recurring question that producers constantly bring up about which insurance option is right for them...he'll be speaking on all of this at the four-state Crop Insurance Workshops co-sponsored by K-State next week.

October 25, 2018
What Coverage Fits My Farm? October 15, 2018
Crop Insurance Workshops

Art Barnaby talks about the agenda for the four-state series of Crop Insurance Workshops that K-State will be co-sponsoring soon, along with Oklahoma State University, Colorado State University and the University of Nebraska...the information provided at these workshops will be very useful to producers, agricultural lenders and others involved in production agriculture.

October 11, 2018