Jenny Ifft

Agricultural policy, crop insurance, non-traditional finance

Associate Professor & Extension Specialist
Flinchbaugh Agricultural Policy Chair
Kansas State University

331J Waters Hall
1603 Old Claflin Place
Manhattan , KS  66506
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Documents & Presentations by Jenny Ifft
Title Date Downloads
Farm Bill and Commodity Credit Corporation

K-State law professor, Roger McEowen, and K-State agriculture policy specialist, Jenny Ifft, discuss Commodity Credit Corporation Loans and how they relate to the farm bill.

August 8, 2023
2 - Kansas Farmland Turnover Trends August 1, 2023
Farm Management and Drought - Recent Research Findings

Tuesday, August 22, 2023


August 1, 2023
Kansas Farm Turnover Trends

Tuesday, August 22, 2023


August 1, 2023
5 - Farm Management and Drought - Recent Research Findings August 1, 2023
7 - Historical Analysis of ARC, PLC, and SCO Payouts for KS Producers August 1, 2023
Extreme Heat and Kansas Farm Income July 31, 2023
Farm Bill Conservation Programs

Jenny Ifft, K-State agriculture policy specialist, and Gaye Benfer, assistant state conservationist for programs with NRCS, review how the farm bill and conservation programs are connected.

July 25, 2023
Farm Bill and Ag Policy in the 1990s

Jenny Ifft, K-State agriculture policy specialist, provides information about the farm bill and agriculture policy in the 1990s. Decoupled payments are one thing that took place during this time and Jenny describes what they are and their impact.

July 18, 2023
Farm Policy in the 2000s

Jenny Ifft, K-State agriculture policy specialist, discusses agriculture policy and the food and farm bill in the 2000s. 

July 11, 2023