

KSRN Radio Interviews

Title Author Date Downloads
Grain Marketing Practices

K-State agricultural economist Ted Schroeder discusses the findings of a brand-new survey he's been involved with, which polled farmers in Kansas and eight other states about their grain marketing practices. The results shed light on how producers use the wide variety of marketing tools to generate maximum income and manage market risk.

June 9, 2017
Late Corn Insurance

K-State agricultural economist Monte Vandeveer discusses the crop insurance provisions for late-planted corn in Kansas, in that for most of the state today is the deadline for seeding corn without reductions in insurance coverage.

May 25, 2017
Net Farm Income Report

A discussion by KFMA executive director Kevin Herbel and economists Craig Althauser, Sandy Myers, Mark Wood, Bryan Manny, Will Feldkamp and Jim Huschka, of 2016 Kansas net farm income, from the Kansas Farm Management Association showing improvement in overall farm income from the previous year, but with some notable exceptions. 

May 24, 2017
Figuring Fertilizer Costs

Gregg Ibendahl shares a new analysis he has put together, comparing the full costs of the three main nitrogen fertilizer applications...and he tells about a new fertilizer decision tool he developed to help producers figure out their best economic options.

May 11, 2017
Wheat Insurance Options

Monte Vandeveer discusses crop insurance options for wheat growers in western Kansas whose stands were adversely affected by the freezing temperatures and/or snowstorm that struck the High Plains in late April. He says that producers who incurred crop losses have some flexibility in how they claim the indemnity on that wheat, as well as how they insure any second crop they would plant on that acreage.

May 9, 2017
Land Value Numbers

K-State farm management economist Mykel Taylor returns to share the actual trends depicted in K-State's new 2016 County-level Values for Cropland and Pasture report...the numbers confirm that agricultural land values are declining, and she talks about what is at the root of that falloff.

May 4, 2017
Wheat Price Convergence

K-State agricultural economists Beth Yeager, Art Barnaby and Dan O'Brien discuss what they've discovered about the ongoing issue of wide basis in the wheat market: the lack of convergence of cash and futures wheat prices, which has complicated producers' ability to advance-price their wheat...they recently met with futures market officials to talk about remedies for the problem, and are about to release a K-State report covering the issue. 

May 2, 2017
Wheat Loan Rates

 K-State risk management specialist Art Barnaby reports that major changes to USDA county wheat loan rates have now been implemented, which could significantly alter the "safety net" for farmers on the 2017 wheat crop.

April 28, 2017
Consumers and Animal Health

K-State livestock economist Glynn Tonsor talks about consumer perceptions of meat animal health management, which was the theme of a webinar he presented earlier this week...he references a new study of the livestock production practices and product traits that consumers prioritize when they make meat purchase decisions, saying that the production sector must be willing to adjust to the signals consumers are sending.

April 26, 2017
Farm Machinery Decisions

K-State farm management economist Gregg Ibendahl offers considerations on making farm or ranch machinery purchases, given the tighter budgets that many producers are contending with right now...he says that producers should be looking more closely at alternatives to outright machinery ownership

April 25, 2017
Land Values Seminar

K-State farm management economist Mykel Taylor discusses the current trends in farm and ranch land values in Kansas, as recently updated by K-State ...those will be the topic of a special webinar taking place next week for anyone who would like to take part and ask questions about the land market outlook.

April 19, 2017
USDA Wheat Payments

K-State risk management specialist Art Barnaby informs wheat producers that the new K-State projections on 2016 wheat payments in Kansas under the USDA's ARC-county program are now available, and can be called up on a county-level basis with an easy-to-use map tool available on the web site

April 18, 2017
Kansas Custom Rates Survey

Leah Tsoodle of the Agricultural Land Use Survey Center at K-State, discusses the going rates for custom-hiring numerous agricultural operations as of 2016.

April 7, 2017
Conservation Reserve Program Study

Nathan Hendricks looks at its influence on land use over the past decade, as well as whether it should continue in the next farm bill.  

March 30, 2017
Cropland Rental Rates

Mykel Taylor discusses the latest K-State projections, noting that  affordable rental rates for growers are considerably lower than they were last year.

March 17, 2017
Optimal Crop Fieldwork Days

Terry Griffin and Michelle Mensing talk about how farmers can determine the extent of field equipment they need to cover their crop acres in a timely manner.

March 16, 2017
2018 Farm Bill and a New U.S. Secretary of Agriculture

Barry Flinchbaugh shares his outlook on what these changes mean for farm policy. 

March 15, 2017
Weed Control Costs

Mykel Taylor promotes timely herbicide application.

March 2, 2017

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