KSRN Radio Interviews
Title | Author | Date | Downloads |
Farm Program Payments Update
K-State agricultural economist Rich Llewelyn looks at the latest K-State projections on ARC and PLC farm program payments for 2019 and 2020 crop production, based in part on the USDA's latest grain prices forecasts...he also previews K-State's 2020 Agricultural Lenders Conference, which is set for later this month in Salina. |
September 17, 2020 |
Estimating Farmland Value
K-State agricultural economist Terry Griffin talks about a new tool that he has developed for estimating farmland value for a given year using the current value of that land...using annual value indexes for every year since 1950, the user can determine the tax liability of farmland transactions. |
September 15, 2020 |
U.S. Grain Exports Update
The senior economist at the IGP Institute at K-State, Guy Allen, offers his updated outlook on U.S. grain export business, based in part on the USDA's latest international grain supply and demand report...he says that the keystone customer remains China, which he believes will remain an aggressive buyer of U.S. feedgrains and soybeans for some time to come. |
September 15, 2020 |
Calculating Farm Machinery Costs
K-State agricultural economist Gregg Ibendahl and Terry Griffin talk about a new online tool that farmers can use to calculate farm machinery input for making machinery purchase decisions, as a basis for comparing lease vs. purchase options, or for weighing the choice of custom hiring an operation instead of investing in equipment...they say it's an easy-to-use tool that can provide very useful information. |
September 2, 2020 |
Agriculture's Contribution to the Kansas Economy
The director of the Office of Local Government at K-State, agricultural economist John Leatherman, discusses a brand-new analysis he co-authored, that was unveiled during the recent K-State Risk and Profit Conference: it's billed as an improved assessment of agriculture's contribution to the Kansas economy. It's a new perspective on the economic importance of production agriculture in this state. He covers agriculture's impact in the areas of exports, gross domestic product, and employment, and he outlines how those impacts differ from one part of the state to the other. |
September 1, 2020 |
Non-Traditional Agricultural Financing
K-State agricultural policy specialist Jenny Ifft talks about current trends in non-traditional agricultural aspect of agricultural lending that she says deserves greater attention in the farm management arena. She spoke on this topic at the recent K-State Risk and Profit Conference. |
August 26, 2020 |
Least-Cost Fertilizer Options
K-State agricultural economists Terry Griffin and Gregg Ibendahl talk about a different approach to determining least-cost crop fertilizer options for producers, using an economic tool that they've developed that's now available to crop growers and retail fertilizer vendors alike. |
August 21, 2020 |
Projected Net Farm Income for 2020 and 2021
K-State agricultural economist Gregg Ibendahl reviews his new outlook on Kansas net farm income for 2020 and 2021, as presented at K-State's Risk and Profit Conference last week...he talks about changes in farm revenue and expenses this year, compared to the 2019 Kansas Farm Management Association numbers, and he outlines why 2021 could be a better year for farm income in the state. |
August 19, 2020 |
International Grain Trade
The senior economist with the IGP Institute at K-State, Guy Allen, offers his perspectives on the current state of international grain trade, and the main factors influencing U.S. grain sales abroad...he lends particular attention to the prospects of additional grain export business with China. |
August 18, 2020 |
Farmland Leasing Survey
K-State farm management economist Mykel Taylor covers a new survey of Kansas farm landowners and tenants on preferences in farmland leasing arrangements...she talks about how each party's approach to risk affects the type of lease that's agreed upon. |
August 18, 2020 |
Variable-Rate Fertilizer Applications
K-State precision agriculture economist Terry Griffin is joined by a gerontologist from the Arkansas Colleges of Health Education, LaVona Traywick. They cooperated on a recent study of variable-rate fertilizer applications, and why farmers have been slow to adopt that technology over the many years that it's been around. There are both economic and generational components to their findings, and this research says a great deal about how the different farming generations embrace precision technology. |
August 12, 2020 |
Current Trends in Agricultural Lending
K-State agricultural economist Allen Featherstone discusses current trends in agricultural lending, especially as impacted by the economic effects of the's the theme of his presentation later today as part of K-State's 2020 Risk and Profit Conference, which will be presented on line and is still taking registrations. |
August 10, 2020 |
2020 Risk and Profit Conference
K-State Extension assistant in agricultural economics Rich Llewelyn previews the K-State 2020 Risk and Profit Conference taking place the second week of August, which will be conducted virtually over several days. |
July 27, 2020 |
Agricultural Credit Activity
K-State agricultural economist Brian Briggeman offers his observations on a new analysis from the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, which examined the state of agricultural credit in the second quarter of this says that agricultural lending activity slowed down as the pandemic took root. |
July 23, 2020 |
Crop Program Payments
K-State agricultural economist Robin Reid talks about the latest USDA crop program payment estimates for 2019 production to be paid out this fall...the Agricultural Risk Coverage estimates are now based on Risk Management Agency county yields, and are depicted in an interactive map that producers can use to project their own likely payments. |
July 22, 2020 |
Hedging Feedlot Cattle
K-State agricultural economist Brian Coffey talks about his new study of hedging feedlot cattle in the futures market as a way to manage price risk...he compared the economic returns to hedged and non-hedged cattle over the last 10 years, to gauge the effectiveness of hedging in mitigating that risk. |
July 16, 2020 |
US Corn Exports
An extended conversation with senior economist Guy Allen of the IGP Institute at K-State on U.S. corn export outlook. He zeroes in on the corn trade opportunities with China moving forward, in the wake of two huge Chinese purchases of U.S. corn in recent days, and comments on whether political tensions between the two countries will affect future grain business with China. |
July 15, 2020 |
2020 Kansas Custom Rates Report
The director of the Land Use Survey Center at K-State, Leah Tsoodle, talks about the just-released 2020 Kansas Custom Rates report, which provides survey-based information on the going rates for a wide variety of custom agricultural operations, including grain harvesting, pesticide spraying, haying and a host of others. |
July 8, 2020 |
Recent Videos
Title | Author | Date | Downloads |
U.S. Ethanol and Biodiesel Trends in Prices and Profitability
March 30, 2020 |
Further Updates on the Macroeconomy
Audio only: click HERE |
March 27, 2020 |
The Federal Reserve's Response to COVID-19
March 18, 2020 |
Big Picture Look: Coronavirus Impact on Pork-Swine Industry
March 17, 2020 | ||
Big Picture Look: Coronavirus Impact on Beef-Cattle Industry
March 17, 2020 |