KSRN Radio Interviews
Title | Author | Date | Downloads |
Economics and Cattle Traceability
Glynn Tonsor and James Mitchell talk about their research on cattle producers' and buyers' willingness to adopt cattle traceability: they sought out the economic factors that most greatly influence that decision, for consideration as traceability policy is developed...this work will be presented at the K-State Risk and Profit Conference on the campus next week. |
August 15, 2019 |
Generations, Spending and Debt
K-State agricultural economists Gregg Ibendahl and Terry Griffin talk about their latest effort in a series of economics analyses which looks at the generational differences in farm and ranch management: this time, they've focused on how spending tendencies and debt load differ among the various generations. |
August 14, 2019 |
Soil Moisture as Price Predictor
K-State agricultural economist Mykel Taylor and graduate researcher Noah Miller talk about using soil moisture measurements gathered via satellite as a predictor of local wheat price basis at harvest time They explain how their economic model merges historical basis trends with moisture readings early in the wheat growing season to give producers information that would be useful in advance-marketing their grain. |
August 6, 2019 |
Benchmarking Farm Financial Status
K-State agricultural economist Robin Reid talks about an on-line analytical tool that agricultural producers can use to assess their financial status via benchmarking...comparing their operations to those of their peers in their region of the state: that tool has just been updated with the latest economic information from the Kansas Farm Management Association. |
July 31, 2019 |
Cooperative Leadership Opportunities
The director of the Arthur Capper Cooperative Center at K-State, Brian Briggeman, and the chief executive officer of the Kansas Cooperative Council, Brandi Miller, look ahead to two informational meetings that will be held consecutively in August: the K-State Symposium on Cooperative Issues and the K-C-C Leadership Roundtable...these are designed for farmers in cooperative leadership positions and agricultural cooperative managers and employees. |
July 31, 2019 |
2019 Risk and Profit Conference
K-State extension assistant in agricultural economics Rich Llewelyn previews the 2019 Risk and Profit Conference at K-State, an annual event covering current economic and farm policy topics of interest to agricultural producers, lenders and others in agribusiness. This year's theme is "Policy Perplexity: Farm Bill, Trade and Profitability." |
July 30, 2019 |
Market Facilitation Program Payment
K-State agricultural economist Robin Reid talks about the just-released county rates for the next round of USDA Market Facilitation Program payments: she goes over the rate trends in Kansas and what she believes influenced those the most, and she reviews the payment application procedure. |
July 26, 2019 |
Blockchain Technology for Farm Data
K-State agricultural economist Keith Harris takes a look at the application of distributed ledger technology, commonly referred to as Blockchain, to farm data management...he and colleagues are currently researching the practical use of this technology for analyzing data as a means of verifying how crops and livestock are produced, which he says will ultimately benefit the producer. |
July 16, 2019 |
Calculating Landlord Net Income and Kansas House Bill 2293
Excerpts from a recent webinar by professor and head of Kansas State University’s Department of Agricultural Economics, Allen Featherstone, regarding the process for calculating the landlord net income for property tax computations and when agricultural landlord net income may begin to fall, as well as discussion of three scenarios and the possible impact of House Bill 2293, which was introduced – but not acted upon – in the last Kansas legislative session. |
July 11, 2019 |
Kansas Bluestem Pasture Report
The director of the Land Use Survey Center at K-State, Leah Tsoodle, talks about the just-released 2019 Kansas Bluestem Pasture Report, a biennial survey of management practices in the Flint Hills region of Kansas which serves as a benchmark for pasture rental rates and other aspects of grazing management in the state. |
July 2, 2019 |
Meet the New Dean
The newly-named dean of the College of Agriculture at K-State, Ernie Minton, shares his aspirations for the college in the areas of education, research and Extension outreach under his leadership, and talks about the immediate priorities that he intends to address. |
June 26, 2019 |
Generations and Precision Cropping
Terry Griffin and Alex Shanoyan take a look at how the generational makeup of a farm impacts the rate that farm adopts new precision cropping technology...this is part of an ongoing, multi-layered analysis of farm management decisions made by the different farming generations, based on several years of Kansas Farm Management Association data. |
June 25, 2019 |
The Age Demographics of Kansas Farms
Terry Griffin and Beth Yeager talk more about the age demographics of Kansas farms, based on Kansas Farm Management Association data, and the impact of the different farming generations on decisions to adopt precision agricultural technology...this analysis sheds light on important trends of interest to producers and technology providers. |
June 24, 2019 |
Special USDA Announcement
K-State agricultural economist Monte Vandeveer looks at the new allowances for crop producers who want to plant cover crops on prevented planted acres, as announced yesterday by the USDA...and he has the latest on the Market Facilitation Program payments relating to prevented planting. |
June 21, 2019 |
Farm Family Living Expenses
The executive director of the Kansas Farm Management Association at K-State, Kevin Herbel, talks about trends in farm family living expenses, as indicated in the latest K-F-M-A data, and how those expenses factor into the profitability of Kansas farms: he talks about the main living expenses and how farm families have managed those as farm income has declined over the past several years. |
June 21, 2019 |
Kansas Farm Operations - The Generations
K-State agricultural economists Terry Griffin and Gregg Ibendahl discuss the initial findings of a research series on the generational makeup of Kansas farm operations, and how that impacts managerial decisions on the farm. They've tapped KFMA data to examine this, and report on two areas of interest, beginning with the actual breakdown on generations in both sole proprietorship and multi-proprietor farm, and also the generational effect on net farm income. |
June 20, 2019 |
Financial Options for Corn Producers
Monte Vandeveer shares his new analysis of the options afforded corn producers under the crop insurance prevented planting provisions, with his projected trade aid payment levels tied in. He has projected the economic returns of different scenarios, figuring in likely corn price trends in the advent of a short U.S. corn crop. He also talks about a new K-State spreadsheet tool that producers can use to calculate the best option for their situation. |
June 6, 2019 |
Trade Aid for Farmers
K-State agricultural economist Joe Janzen discusses the probable market impact of another round of "trade aid" for farmers, based on past experiences...he looks at the direct payment approach which was taken last year with the Market Facilitation Program, as well as many years of surplus grain purchases by the government for humanitarian purposes. |
May 15, 2019 |