Robin Reid

Farm Management, Production Economics

Extension Associate
Kansas State University

Robin Reid is an Extension Farm Economist with the Agricultural Economics Department at Kansas State University. Robin works on a variety of economic topics including farm financial management, Women in Ag. programming, Farm Bill, and much more. Robin also helps manage the website and works with Extension Agents across the state to put on extension programs. Robin grew up on a farm in Wisconsin and earned a B.S. in Agricultural Business from UW-River Falls.  She also holds a M.S. in Agricultural Economics from K-State.


303A Waters Hall
Manhattan , KS  66506-4011
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Documents & Presentations by Robin Reid
Title Date Downloads
Financial Benchmarking to Assess a Farm's Financial Position in a Difficult Ag Environment October 3, 2016
Farm Finance Status App

Robin Reid talks about a first-of-its-kind on-line tool she  created that allows producers to benchmark their financial status in comparison to peer operations around Kansas.

September 16, 2016
KSU-Beef Farm Management Guide Spreadsheet

An Excel spreadsheet for beef cattle enterprise budgeting to evaluate potential income, costs and profitability

September 7, 2016
KSU-Dairy Farm Management Guide Spreadsheet

Excel spreadsheets for dairy enterprise budgeting to evaluate potential income, costs and profitability

September 7, 2016
KSU-Sheep Farm Management Guide Spreadsheet

An Excel spreadsheet for sheep enterprise budgeting to evaluate potential income, costs and profitability

September 7, 2016
KSU-Swine Farm Management Guide Spreadsheet

An Excel spreadsheet for swine enterprise budgeting to evaluate potential income, costs and profitability

September 7, 2016
Master List of Prices Used in Livestock Budgets September 7, 2016
Top 10 Considerations to Navigate a Struggling Farm Economy August 19, 2016
KSU-Cover Crop Cost-Return Budget

An Excel spreadsheet to analyze the economics of planting a cover crop based on short-term benefits

August 10, 2016
Maximizing Economic Returns on Cover Crops - Robin Reid

Robin Reid talks about navigating the struggling farm economy and maximizing economic returns on cover crops, part of her presentation at August 2016 Risk and Profit Conference.

July 28, 2016